The transition program at Cromwell High School offers students the chance to explore/research different careers and employment opportunities. This program helps students identify their strengths, interests, and skills and introduces them to the soft skills necessary to transition from school to work, postsecondary education and beyond.
We work with agencies like the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) to give our students a lifetime of support in these areas.
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The components of the transition program include the following:
Career Assessments - students complete a variety of interest inventories to help them determine their career interest.
Learning Style Inventory - students complete a learning style inventory so they have a better understanding of their personal learning strength.
Career Exploration - may include learning about careers by shadowing at professional area businesses, and using Occupational Outlook Handbook to research different aspects of a career, such as growth of the industry, education, salary etc.
Work Experiences - some students may participate in a work experience at a community business or one within the school, during the semester the internship helps students develop career awareness and gives the students an opportunity to gain skills needed in the work environment.
College Tours - students may have the opportunity to visit local colleges, technical schools and training centers to help them identify appropriate postsecondary goals and gain familiarity with a college campus and programs offered there.
Portfolios - students develop a portfolio of transition related activities. Some of the items included in the portfolio are career assessments, job shadows, transcripts, and resumes.
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Career Expo - students have an opportunity to speak with and ask questions of community members in various careers, and learn about the career paths of successful partners.
Life-Skills - when deemed appropriate students learn life skills for independent living, such as shopping, cooking, personal care, laundry, and money management.
Travel Training - students learn safety rules on the road and bus, how to identify their bus, how to deposit the fare, how to identify bus stops, etc.
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Please direct questions regarding the Cromwell High School Transition Program to:
Mary Tobias Transition Coordinator at [email protected]